DreamLife Recovery

DreamLife Recovery is located in Donegal, Pennsylvania, just outside of Pittsburgh.
Home » Articles posted by DreamLife Recovery (Page 2)
Living With an Alcoholic Partner: How to Help Them and Protect Yourself
Living with an alcoholic partner can be an incredibly challenging and emotionally draining experience. It affects every aspect of your life, from daily interactions to…
Types of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and How to Treat It
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex condition characterized by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. It requires comprehensive care, often involving dual diagnosis treatment to…
Are Cats Good for Your Mental Health?
Pets have long been known to provide comfort and companionship, but did you know that having a cat could benefit your mental well-being? As people…
The Link Between Trauma and Addiction
Trauma and addiction are often intertwined, with one fueling the other in a vicious cycle that can be difficult to break. Trauma refers to an…
Can You Die from Withdrawal from Drugs and Alcohol?
When someone decides to quit drugs or alcohol, it can be life-changing. However, the withdrawal symptoms can be severe and sometimes even life-threatening. Can you…
Get Help for Addiction at Our Dog & Other Pet Friendly Rehab Center
Our pet-friendly rehab facility, located in Donegal, Pennsylvania, treats drug and alcohol addiction and co-occurring disorders. Animals provide many benefits for people in recovery. During…