Substance Abuse

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The Most Abused Prescription Drugs
When medications are used as prescribed by a doctor, they can be very beneficial. However, more and more, prescription drugs are being abused across the…
5 Ways To Stop Meth Cravings
5 Ways to Stop Meth Cravings If you are in addiction recovery, it’s normal to experience cravings. You can go days, weeks, or months without…
How Do You Know You Are an Alcoholic?
What do you think when you hear the word alcoholic? Maybe the stereotype of someone who is drunk 24/7 and can’t hold a steady job…
The Most Typical Stages of Alcohol Withdrawal Explained
Luckily, alcoholism is a highly treatable disease. Every year, thousands of people beat their addiction and move forward with happy, healthy lives. Read more...
Is Substance Abuse Linked With Sex Addiction?
Substance abuse and risky sexual behavior are often looked at as two sides of the same coin. People may combine alcohol or drug use with…
Drugs and The Dark Web: A Dangerous Combination
Drugs and The Dark Web There is a lot of information and many assumptions about the dark web. Most people have no idea what the…