How to Help Your Loved One Prevent Relapse

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Watching and helping your loved one get through addiction recovery can be challenging. Slips can happen at any time in the ongoing process. If you want to help your loved one prevent relapse, you can offer support and learn how to recognize the signs before relapse happens. When individuals have a strong support system, they have a better chance of overcoming their struggles and staying sober.

3 Ways to Avoid Relapse

Supporting a loved one through or preventing relapse is the best way to help them continue on their road to sobriety. When you can identify the signs of a relapse, you can intervene before they become addicted again. Here are three ways you can keep your loved one from relapsing:

1. Learn Your Loved One’s Triggers

Everyone has unique triggers that may encourage relapse. When you learn what triggers your loved one, you can watch for the signs and provide extra support so they don’t reach for a substance. Some common relapse triggers include:

  • Interacting with people they used to use drugs or alcohol with.
  • Being around people who are under the influence.
  • Becoming overwhelmed or stressed by different life factors.

2. Encourage Your Loved One to Be Active in Their Recovery Network

Your loved one’s recovery network may include regular therapy sessions, support groups or check-ins with their doctor. Encouraging them to attend every meeting can help them understand that they aren’t alone. The people in their recovery network want the best for them, providing resources and support to help your loved one succeed and avoid relapsing.

3. Help Your Loved One Build Coping Skills

Stress is inevitable. Instead of letting stress lead your loved one to relapse, you can develop effective coping mechanisms to manage it. Some coping skills to avoid stress-induced relapses include:

  • Talking with your loved one about their stressful experience.
  • Offering to help solve the problems causing stress.
  • Practicing exercises to reduce stress like yoga, meditation or working on a project.

Find Support at DreamLife Recovery

Helping your loved one avoid relapse encourages them to stay on the path to recovery and sobriety. If you’re worried about a loved one’s struggle with substance abuse or relapsing, you can trust the DreamLife Recovery team to provide support and help for your loved one. Call us at 844-402-3592 to speak to a representative immediately or complete our online form to get help for your loved one.

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