What to Expect From an Alcohol Detox

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DreamLife RecoveryDespite being legal, alcohol is a dangerous drug with high addiction potential, and withdrawal can be extremely difficult. Knowing what to expect when you stop drinking can help you prepare for the process and increase your chances of a successful recovery.
Detoxing from alcohol can result in serious side effects, so it’s best to do it under medical supervision. Professionals can recognize warning signs and treat issues quickly, possibly prescribing medications that make detox easier.
If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, DreamLife Recovery can help. Our alcohol detox in Pennsylvania is medically supervised and clinically managed to ensure your safety and comfort.
Call (844) 402-3592 today to learn more about what to expect when detoxing from alcohol and how we can support you on your journey to recovery.
What to Expect When You Stop Drinking
When you quit alcohol after prolonged use, you’ll likely experience withdrawal symptoms. Despite being legal, withdrawing from alcohol is very dangerous. Alcohol detox without medical supervision is not recommended, as it can be fatal.
Common withdrawal symptoms include sweating, nausea, and headaches. People going through withdrawal might struggle to keep food down. It’s crucial to monitor food and water intake. Some people might not eat or drink enough, worsening symptoms.
During withdrawal, your pupils might dilate, and you might see significant changes in your appearance. You could look paler and gaunter than usual, with a faster heartbeat and involuntary shaking.
Effects on Sleep
Your sleep will also be impacted. Some individuals withdrawing from alcohol encounter sleep disturbances or even insomnia. During the day, you may feel extremely fatigued, despite managing to get some rest. The sleep you do get is likely to be of poor quality, often accompanied by vivid nightmares.
Other Serious Symptoms
In severe cases, recovering alcoholics might experience seizures, which can be extremely dangerous. Never attempt to withdraw from serious alcohol addiction without medical attention.
Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol go beyond the physical. You may also suffer from mental side effects like depression and anxiety as the alcohol leaves your system. Many people experience the urge to drink again, but if you persevere, these symptoms will eventually subside.
Alcohol Detox Timeline
Now that you know what happens after you stop drinking alcohol, you may wonder how long the process will take. The answer varies depending on several factors, such as the severity of your addiction and your individual body chemistry.
Here are the general stages you can expect to go through as you detox from alcohol:
- First few days – Symptoms usually begin within the first few hours after your last drink and can include nausea, headache, irritability, and anxiety.
- End of first week – This is when symptoms tend to peak in intensity. You may experience shaking, sweating, and confusion.
- Past one week – Most physical symptoms should subside by this point, but you may continue to deal with emotional side effects like depression or cravings for alcohol.
It’s essential to remember that everyone’s detox process is unique. Some people may experience more severe or prolonged withdrawal symptoms than others.
What to Expect When Detoxing from Alcohol
While alcohol detox can be challenging, seeking medical assistance can make the process much more bearable. Professional clinicians will monitor your progress and help you manage any severe symptoms.
They may also prescribe medications to ease withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings for alcohol. These medications are safe for use under medical supervision and can help you stay on track with your recovery.
During medical detox, you’ll also have access to therapeutic support, such as counseling or support groups, to address the psychological effects of alcohol addiction. This is crucial in addressing underlying issues that contribute to addiction and preventing relapse in the future.
Call DreamLife Recovery Today to Start Alcohol Detox in Pennsylvania
Are you ready to face your alcohol addiction and overcome it? Then get in touch with us today. Call (844) 402-3592 or complete our online form to learn more about our alcohol detox program and how we can support you on your journey to recovery.