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June 10, 2020

An Inside Look at Borderline Personality Disorder- Written by Our Clinical Staff

Personality, what is it?  How is it formed?  How we think, feel, and behave are characteristics of our personality and can account for the consistent way people act across different situations.  A person with BPD…
May 21, 2020

Co-occurring Disorders: A Battle Raging Within

Treatment for addiction is not a “one size fits all” plan. Individualized plans and therapies ensure that not only their addiction is addressed but also any other mental health disorders they may be facing. Successfully…
May 15, 2020

The Connection Between Substance Abuse and Suicide

Chances are you, or someone you know, has been touched by the tragedy of suicide. With suicide rates increasing at a dramatic clip, gaining a deeper understanding of the impact of substance abuse on mental…
May 11, 2020

Sexual Addiction and Substance Abuse

Substance abuse and dependency is rarely a standalone disease. Most people often have other behavioral health issues or problems related to unresolved trauma and are diagnosed with co-occurring disorders or cross addictions. Cross addictions occur when a person switches between abusing substances and behaviors. Co-occurring…
May 8, 2020

Stress and Addiction: A Dangerous Combination

The month of May promises the beauty of springtime with the renewal of spirit, which makes May perfect for being designated Mental Health Awareness month. Many people struggle with not only chronic stress and anxiety,…
May 6, 2020

7 Eye-Opening Signs of Alcoholism

In 2015, 15.1 million Americans had an alcohol problem. Read more...

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